Refund / Cancellations
Refund / Cancellations
7-Days Money Back Guarantee What’s Covered: This guarantee applies to new hosting subscriptions only and NOT for domain registrations or any other services (like Dedicated IP, SSL, CPanel License etc). This guarantee applies to Personal Web Hosting, Business Web Hosting, VPS Hosting, Cloud Hosting and Reseller Hosting only (and NOT applicable to Dedicated Servers). The refund policy for Dedicated Servers is exclusively shown at the bottom of this page. If you are not fully satisfied with our hosting services, just request us for a refund within the first 7 days of your hosting account activation. We’ll refund you 100% of your hosting subscription fees without asking any question. Refunds will be promptly issued within 24 hours of your refund request. However, this guarantee will be void if you breach any of our Terms of Service & AUP (like: hosting a warez site, spamming, pishing, etc.).
Refund Procedure: To request a refund under this guarantee, you must explicitly contact us within the first 7 calendar days of your new hosting subscription. To contact us, please submit a new support ticket with Subject as “Cancellation & Refunds”. We’ll gladly refund you 100% of your hosting subscription fees within 24 hours of your refund request and remove your hosting account from our server. Please remember, it’s YOUR responsibility to download all your backup data before placing a refund request. We will not be able to support you in backing up or migrating your data or DNS, howsoever.
Exclusion: If you received a FREE Domain Registration thru our promotional offer or Software Licenses and decide to cancel your hosting account within first 7 days (as per our 7-days money back guarantee), we will deduct the price of your domain registration or Software License from your total refund amount. You will still own your domain & can keep using it until it’s expiration date. You can even renew your domain if you wish. If you are canceling a VPS/Cloud Hosting that have CPanel, the price of CPanel License will be deducted from your refund. Further, if your webhosting plan contains any FREE bundled offers (like Domain registration, Dedicated IP, SSL, Private Name Servers etc), the amount for those bundled services will be deducted from your refund amount if you cancel the plan before the plan’s renewal date. If your hosting accounts is suspended or terminated due to policy violations, you will not be eligible for 7-days money back guarantee.
The following exceptions are applicable to this refund guarantee…
1) After 7-days of your order, you will not be eligible for refund.
2) Pro-rata refund will be issued if you have used more than 5% and less than 10% of your total bandwidth, when requesting for refund. Pro-ration will be applied to the amount of bandwidth you actually used when requesting for a refund. We feel that 5% of bandwidth is good enough to test our services initially.
If you have any questions, please open a Helpdesk Ticket. Your messages will get prompt attention from our Sales and Support team.
Cancellation & Refund Policy for Dedicated Servers
The following rules apply to cancellation / refund of Dedicated Servers only:
1) You must request a cancellation BEFORE 30 days of your next renewal date. Failure to request a cancellation before 30 days of renewal, will attract next month’s renewal amount to be paid.
2) No refund will be issued for the current billing cycle.
3) If you pre-paid for your dedicated server, we will refund your future month’s payments as long as you request a cancellation BEFORE 30 days of your next renewal date. Your pro-rata refund amount will start from the beginning of next month’s billing cycle.